Model Beauty USA is an online competition that combines the scoring factors of beauty and pageant achievements to create an exciting, fun-filled experience for contestants of all ages!
Pageant Details
PAY 1 FEE to Enter ALL 3 Levels of Competition!!!
Princess Package: $10.00
Includes City, State, and NATIONAL Pageant Entries!
Queen Package: $35.00
Includes City, State, and NATIONAL Pageant Entries!
Supreme Package: $85.00
Includes City, State, and NATIONAL Pageant Entries!
Ultimate Package: $135.00
Includes City, State, and NATIONAL Pageant Entries!
**See Prize Page for prize info.
ENTRY Details:
Each contestant must fill out the entry form and submit a photo.
The object of the competition is to achieve the optimum points in your division to win the national title!
Facial Beauty (judged from photo submitted): 10-50 points
Pageant Achievements:
You will be asked to submit a list of 6 titles earned through pageantry.
-Photo Contest Scale:
Overall Optional Win - 5 points
Division Supreme Win- 10 points
GRAND Supreme Win - 25 points
Online Pageant Scale:
City Queen Title - 5 points
City Pageant Finalist or Placement - 2 points
State Queen Title - 10 points
State Pageant Finalist or Placement - 3 points
National & International Titles - 25 points
National or International Pageant Finalist or Placement - 10 points
Live Beauty Pageant Scale:
Finalist or Placement - 5 points
Overall Optional Win - 5 points
Division Supreme Win- 10 points
GRAND Supreme Win - 25 points
Live Scholarship Pageant Scale:
City Queen Title - 5 points
City Pageant Finalist or Placement - 2 points
State Queen Title - 10 points
State Pageant Finalist or Placement - 3 points
National & International Titles - 25 points
National or International Pageant Finalist or Placement - 10 points
Pageant Magazine Contest Scale:
Finalist - 5 points
Centerfold Model & Cover Model Wins - 25 points
**Remember, you only get to submit 6 wins, so make sure you select the titles that will help you to max out on points!!!
Under 18 Months
Tiny Angel Division
18 Months - 2 Years
Adorable Angel Division
3-5 Years
Sweetheart Angel Division
6-9 Years
Princess Division
10-12 Years
Pre-teen Division
13-15 Years
Junior Division
16-19 Years
Teen Division
20-39 Years
Miss/Ms/Mrs Division
40+ Years
Elegant Miss/Ms/Mrs Division
Adorable King
Junior King
Teen King
-International titleholders must agree to pay international S&H fees.
If a more than one contestant maxes out in points in the national competition, more than 1 national title may be awarded. Ties WILL NOT be broken.
We may also elect to award a Jr. and/or Sr. title if there is more than one high scoring applicant in a division.
We are proud sponsors of several contests. Please note, only 1 discount or entry credit may be redeemed per pageant.
Pageant Details
PAY 1 FEE to Enter ALL 3 Levels of Competition!!!
Basic Model Package: $10.00
Includes City, State, and NATIONAL Pageant Entries!
Top Model Package: $35.00
Includes City, State, and NATIONAL Pageant Entries!
Mega Model Package: $75.00
Includes City, State, and NATIONAL Pageant Entries!
Super Model Package: $125.00
Includes City, State, and NATIONAL Pageant Entries!
**See Prize Page for prize info.
ENTRY Details:
Each contestant must fill out the entry form and submit a photo.
The object of the competition is to achieve the optimum points in your division to win the national title!
Facial Beauty (judged from photo submitted): 10-50 points
The next portion (Pageant Achievements) makes up the remainder of the scoring criteria. A contestant can earn up to 150 points in this category.
Pageant Achievements:
On the entry form, you will be asked to submit a list of 6 titles earned through pageantry.
Click Here to view the point scale for each title.
(Please be sure to enable pop-ups on this page to view the Point Scale.)
**Remember, you only get to submit 6 wins, so make sure you select the titles that will help you to max out on points!!!
Under 18 Months
Baby Model Division
18 Months - 2 Years
Tiny Miss Model Division
3-5 Years
Little Princess Model Division
6-9 Years
Princess Model Division
10-12 Years
Pre-teen Model Division
13-15 Years
Junior Model Division
16-19 Years
Teen Model Division
20-39 Years
Model Miss/Ms/Mrs Division
40+ Years
Glamour Model Miss/Ms/Mrs Division
Adorable Model
Junior Model
Teen Model
-International titleholders must agree to pay international S&H fees.
If a more than one contestant maxes out in points in the national competition, more than 1 national title may be awarded. Ties WILL NOT be broken.
We are proud sponsors of several contests. Please note, only 1 discount or entry credit may be redeemed per pageant.